Prolog "beautify"

Admin User, created Mar 16. 2024
* Modern Albufeira Prolog Interpreter
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* Trademarks
* Jekejeke is a registered trademark of XLOG Technologies AG.
:-(ensure_loaded(library(/(util, format)))).
:-(ensure_loaded(library(/(misc, markup)))).
:-(fancy_file(InName, OutName), fancy_file(InName, OutName, [])).
:-(fancy_file(InName, OutName, Opts), ','(sys_fancy_opts(Opts, Res), setup_once_cleanup(','(open(OutName, write, OutStream), dom_output_new(OutStream, DomWriter)), sys_fancy_dest(InName, DomWriter, Res), close(DomWriter)))).
:-(sys_fancy_dest(InName, OutStream, Res), ','(sys_html_header(OutStream, Res), ','(sys_fancy_begin(OutStream), ','(setup_once_cleanup(open(InName, read, InStream), sys_fancy_stream(InStream, OutStream), close(InStream)), ','(sys_fancy_end(OutStream), sys_html_footer(OutStream)))))).
:-(sys_fancy_stream(InStream, OutStream), ','(get_code(InStream, C), ','(sys_fancy_get(C, H, InStream, D), sys_fancy_rest(H, D, InStream, OutStream)))).
:-(sys_fancy_rest(end_of_file, _, _, _), !).
:-(sys_fancy_rest(T, C, InStream, OutStream), ','(sys_fancy_put(T, OutStream), ','(sys_fancy_get(C, H, InStream, D), sys_fancy_rest(H, D, InStream, OutStream)))).
:-(sys_fancy_get(C, A, S, D), ','(sys_get_comment(C, A, S, D), !)).
:-(sys_fancy_get(C, A, S, D), sys_get_token(A, -(S, C), -(_, D))).
:-(sys_fancy_put(line(L), S), ','(!, ','(atom_codes(A, L), ','(tag(S, '<span class=\"cm\">'), ','(put_atom(S, A), tag(S, '</span>')))))).
:-(sys_fancy_put(block(L), S), ','(!, sys_fancy_codes(S, L, cm))).
:-(sys_fancy_put(filler(L), S), ','(!, sys_fancy_codes(S, L, ''))).
:-(sys_fancy_put(atom(A), S), ','(!, put_atom(S, A))).
:-(sys_fancy_put(single(L), S), ','(!, ','(append(L, '.'(0'\', []), R), sys_fancy_codes(S, '.'(0'\', R), cs)))).
:-(sys_fancy_put(back(L), S), ','(!, ','(append(L, '.'(0'\`, []), R), sys_fancy_codes(S, '.'(0'\`, R), cs)))).
:-(sys_fancy_put(decimal(L), S), ','(!, ','(atom_codes(A, L), ','(tag(S, '<span class=\"cs\">'), ','(put_atom(S, A), tag(S, '</span>')))))).
:-(sys_fancy_put(radix(L, B), S), ','(!, ','(atom_codes(A, L), ','(tag(S, '<span class=\"cs\">'), ','(;(->(=(B, 2), put_atom(S, '0b')), ;(->(=(B, 8), put_atom(S, '0o')), ;(->(=(B, 16), put_atom(S, '0x')), fail))), ','(put_atom(S, A), tag(S, '</span>'))))))).
:-(sys_fancy_put(codes(L), S), ','(!, ','(append(L, '.'(0'\", []), R), sys_fancy_codes(S, '.'(0'\", R), cs)))).
:-(sys_fancy_put(reference(L), S), ','(!, ','(atom_codes(A, L), ','(tag(S, '<span class=\"cs\">'), ','(put_atom(S, '0r'), ','(put_atom(S, A), tag(S, '</span>'))))))).
:-(sys_fancy_put(code(L), S), ','(!, ','(atom_codes(A, L), ','(tag(S, '<span class=\"cs\">'), ','(put_atom(S, '0\''), ','(put_atom(S, A), tag(S, '</span>'))))))).
:-(sys_fancy_put(var(A), S), ','(!, ','(tag(S, '<span class=\"vr\">'), ','(put_atom(S, A), tag(S, '</span>'))))).
:-(sys_fancy_put(anon, S), ','(!, ','(tag(S, '<span class=\"vr\">'), ','(put_code(S, 0'_), tag(S, '</span>'))))).
:-(sys_fancy_put(A, S), put_atom(S, A)).
:-(sys_fancy_begin(S), ','(tag(S, '<pre class=\"code2\">'), tag(S, '<div class=\"ln\">'))).
:-(sys_fancy_end(S), ','(tag(S, '</div>'), tag(S, '</pre>'))).
:-(sys_fancy_atom(S, A, C), ','(atom_split(A, '\n', H), sys_fancy_list(S, H, C))).
:-(sys_fancy_codes(S, L, C), ','(sys_split_lines(H, L, []), sys_fancy_list(S, H, C))).
:-(sys_fancy_list(S, '.'(X, R), C), ','(;(->(=(C, ''), true), tag_format(S, '<span class=\"~a\">', '.'(C, []))), ','(put_atom(S, X), ','(;(->(=(C, ''), true), tag(S, '</span>')), sys_fancy_rest(R, S, C))))).
:-(sys_fancy_rest('.'(X, L), S, C), ','(tag(S, '</div>'), ','(tag(S, '<div class=\"ln\">'), ','(;(->(=(C, ''), true), tag_format(S, '<span class=\"~a\">', '.'(C, []))), ','(put_atom(S, X), ','(;(->(=(C, ''), true), tag(S, '</span>')), sys_fancy_rest(L, S, C))))))).
sys_fancy_rest([], _, _).
-->(sys_split_lines('.'(A, L)), ','(sys_split_line(X), ','({}(atom_codes(A, X)), sys_split_more(L)))).
-->(sys_split_more('.'(A, L)), ','(sys_convert_sep, ','(!, ','(sys_split_line(X), ','({}(atom_codes(A, X)), sys_split_more(L)))))).
-->(sys_split_more([]), []).
-->(sys_split_line('.'(X, L)), ','(\+(sys_convert_sep), ','('.'(X, []), ','(!, sys_split_line(L))))).
-->(sys_split_line([]), []).
:-(beautify_file(InName, OutName), beautify_file(InName, OutName, [])).
:-(beautify_file(InName, OutName, Opt), ','(sys_beautify_opts(Opt, 0, Flags), setup_once_cleanup(open(OutName, write, OutStream), sys_beautify_dest(InName, OutStream, Flags), close(OutStream)))).
:-(sys_beautify_dest(InName, OutStream, Flags), setup_once_cleanup(open(InName, read, InStream), sys_beautify_stream(InStream, OutStream, Flags), close(InStream))).
:-(sys_beautify_stream(InStream, OutStream, Flags), ','(repeat, ','(get_code(InStream, C), ','(sys_beautify_comment(C, InStream, D, OutStream), ','(sys_read_term(D, InStream, '.'(variable_names(Names), '.'(annotation(true), [])), Term), ','(sys_beautify_anchor(Term, OutStream, Flags), ;(->(==(Term, end_of_file), !), ','(term_singletons(Term, List), ','(sys_beautify_names(List, Annon), ','(append(Names, Annon, Names2), ','(sys_write_term(OutStream, Term, '.'(quoted(true), '.'(annotation(true), '.'(variable_names(Names2), '.'(format(true), []))))), ','(sys_safe_code(OutStream, 0'.), ','(nl(OutStream), fail))))))))))))).
sys_beautify_names([], []).
:-(sys_beautify_names('.'(V, L), '.'(=('_', V), N)), sys_beautify_names(L, N)).
:-(sys_beautify_anchor(_, _, Flags), ','(=:=(/\(Flags, 1), 0), !)).
:-(sys_beautify_anchor(:-(runner_case(_, _, _, _, Case), _), OutStream, _), ','(!, ','(format(OutStream, '%<a name=\"~a\"></a>', '.'(Case, [])), nl(OutStream)))).
sys_beautify_anchor(_, _, _).
:-(sys_beautify_comment(C, InStream, D, OutStream), ','(sys_get_comment(C, A, InStream, H), ','(!, ','(sys_beautify_put(A, OutStream), sys_beautify_comment(H, InStream, D, OutStream))))).
sys_beautify_comment(C, _, C, _).
:-(sys_beautify_put(line(L), OutStream), ','(atom_codes(A, L), put_atom(OutStream, A))).
:-(sys_beautify_put(block(L), OutStream), ','(atom_codes(A, L), put_atom(OutStream, A))).
:-(sys_beautify_put(filler(L), OutStream), ','(atom_codes(A, L), put_atom(OutStream, A))).
:-(sys_get_comment(0'%, line('.'(0'%, L)), S, D), ','(!, ','(get_code(S, C), sys_get_line(C, L, S, D)))).
:-(sys_get_comment(0'/, block('.'(0'/, '.'(0'*, L))), S, D), ','(peek_code(S, 0'*), ','(!, ','(get_code(S, _), ','(get_code(S, C), sys_get_block(C, L, S, D)))))).
:-(sys_get_comment(C, filler(L), S, D), ','(sys_is_white(C), ','(!, sys_get_filler(C, L, S, D)))).
:-(sys_get_line(0'\n, [], _, 0'\n), !).
:-(sys_get_line(0'\r, [], _, 0'\r), !).
:-(sys_get_line(-1, [], _, -1), !).
:-(sys_get_line(C, '.'(C, L), S, D), ','(get_code(S, H), sys_get_line(H, L, S, D))).
:-(sys_get_block(-1, _, _, _), throw(error(syntax_error(end_of_file_in_block_comment), _))).
:-(sys_get_block(0'*, '.'(0'*, '.'(0'/, [])), S, C), ','(peek_code(S, 0'/), ','(!, ','(get_code(S, _), get_code(S, C))))).
:-(sys_get_block(C, '.'(C, L), S, D), ','(get_code(S, H), sys_get_block(H, L, S, D))).
:-(sys_get_filler(C, '.'(C, L), S, D), ','(sys_is_white(C), ','(!, ','(get_code(S, H), sys_get_filler(H, L, S, D))))).
sys_get_filler(C, [], _, C).
:-(sys_is_white(C), ','(code_type(C, T), ','(=<(12, T), =<(T, 16)))).
:-(sys_fancy_opts(Opts, Res), ','(statistics(wall, Time0), sys_fancy_opts(Opts, v(Time0, '', '', ''), Res))).
:-(sys_fancy_opts(V, _, _), ','(var(V), throw(error(instantiation_error, _)))).
:-(sys_fancy_opts('.'(X, L), I, O), ','(!, ','(sys_fancy_opt(X, I, H), sys_fancy_opts(L, H, O)))).
:-(sys_fancy_opts([], H, H), !).
:-(sys_fancy_opts(L, _, _), throw(error(type_error(list, L), _))).
:-(sys_fancy_opt(V, _, _), ','(var(V), throw(error(instantiation_error, _)))).
:-(sys_fancy_opt(date(I), v(_, Y, Z, T), v(I, Y, Z, T)), ','(!, sys_check_integer(I))).
:-(sys_fancy_opt(title(A), v(X, _, Z, T), v(X, A, Z, T)), ','(!, sys_check_atom(A))).
:-(sys_fancy_opt(header(A), v(X, Y, _, T), v(X, Y, A, T)), ','(!, sys_check_atom(A))).
:-(sys_fancy_opt(orig(A), v(X, Y, Z, _), v(X, Y, Z, A)), ','(!, sys_check_atom(A))).
:-(sys_fancy_opt(O, _, _), throw(error(type_error(fancy_option, O), _))).
:-(sys_beautify_opts(V, _, _), ','(var(V), throw(error(instantiation_error, _)))).
:-(sys_beautify_opts('.'(X, L), I, O), ','(!, ','(sys_beautify_opt(X, I, H), sys_beautify_opts(L, H, O)))).
:-(sys_beautify_opts([], H, H), !).
:-(sys_beautify_opts(L, _, _), throw(error(type_error(list, L), _))).
:-(sys_beautify_opt(V, _, _), ','(var(V), throw(error(instantiation_error, _)))).
:-(sys_beautify_opt(suite(B), F, G), ','(!, sys_opt_boolean(B, 1, F, G))).
:-(sys_beautify_opt(O, _, _), throw(error(type_error(beautify_option, O), _))).