Prolog "plain"

Admin User, created Jan 13. 2024
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:- ensure_loaded(library(tester/beautify)).
:- ensure_loaded(library(misc/markup)).
/* Colorize Utility Plain */
* colorizep_file(A, B):
* The predicate succeeds. As side effect it colorizes the Plain
* text A into the file B. An already existing file B is silently
* overwritten.
% colorizep_file(+Atom, +Atom)
colorizep_file(InName, OutName) :-
colorizep_file(InName, OutName, []).
% colorizep_file(+Atom, +Atom, +List)
colorizep_file(InName, OutName, Opts) :-
sys_fancy_opts(Opts, Res),
(open(OutName, write, OutStream), dom_output_new(OutStream, DomWriter)),
sys_colorizep_dest(InName, DomWriter, Res),
% sys_colorizep_dest(+Atom, +Stream, +Term)
sys_colorizep_dest(InName, OutStream, Res) :-
sys_html_header(OutStream, Res),
open(InName, read, InStream),
sys_colorizep_stream(InStream, OutStream),
% sys_colorizep_stream(+Stream, +Stream)
sys_colorizep_stream(InStream, S) :-
get_atom(InStream, 0'\n, Line),
sys_colorizep_more(Line, InStream, S).
% sys_colorizep_more(+Atom, +Stream, +Stream)
sys_colorizep_more('', _, _) :- !.
sys_colorizep_more(Line, InStream, S) :-
sys_colorizep_line(Line, S),
get_atom(InStream, 0'\n, Line2),
sys_colorizep_rest(Line2, InStream, S).
% sys_colorizep_rest(+Atom, +Stream, +Stream)
sys_colorizep_rest('', _, _) :- !.
sys_colorizep_rest(Line, InStream, S) :-
tag(S, '</div>'),
tag(S, '<div class="ln">'),
sys_colorizep_line(Line, S),
get_atom(InStream, 0'\n, Line2),
sys_colorizep_rest(Line2, InStream, S).
/* Colorize Helper Plain */
% sys_colorizep_line(+Atom, +Stream)
sys_colorizep_line(Line, S) :-
sub_atom(Line, 0, _, 1, Line3),
put_atom(S, Line3).